Skin crucian carp fishing simulator

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Ignore this advice at your peril! This can also be a great way to separate tench if they are causing problems of your carefully baited area. Crucians love the margins and as long as there is enough water to cover their back, depth almost becomes irrelevant. However, as soon as darkness descends or if tench become a problem, then I like to position a rod very close in, even in a foot or two or water.

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This makes baiting and accurate casting very comfortable, even in a strong cross wind. I find an acceptable range of 20-30 yards is about right.

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If I cant find depth close in, I like to fish at range during the daytime. Look for any areas that have depth and features close to the margins, these will often be a winner.

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A few evenings spent at your chosen venue are never wasted. Crucians will often tell you where to fish and will give away their presence at dawn and dusk by rolling in their favorite haunts. As with all fishing, location is everything.

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